Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This week is CRAZY

I think my brain broke. 

I'm not quite sure what my secret was for last semester, but I was definitely not this stressed. Basically, starting this last Saturday, I've: volunteered twelve hours for Girl Scouts, cheered for Super Bowl XLVII, had a math test,  had a meteorology quiz, had a meteorology test, had a meeting about a summer internship, had an interview for said internship, done homework, gone to the gym, planned a trip to Chicago, and forgot to breathe. I like being somewhat busy, but I hate running around for things. Is this what the next 3 years are going to be like? If so, I need a better planner. I know that other kids have jobs on top of all of this, bless their souls. I don't think I could do it.

Currently, I'm trying to get caught up on my math homework, while trying to get ahold of people to talk to for this internship. Everyone is ignoring me. Maybe it's a sign.