It's common for people to tell you, before college, that "You and your roommate will get along fine!", "You'll meet tons of friends!", "you'll love it!", "You'll get used to it!", "You won't be replaced!".
1. You and your roommate will get along fine: I had started talking over Facebook to this girl who was also going to my college. We met at registration and then again mo ve in weekend, and it was just dandy until it started going down the toilet in October. Admittedly, I had posted two tweets about my former roommate on my twitter that weren't so nice. They weren't anything anything really bad. I remember one being that she liked country music and that I didn't and another one was how she talked really loudly. Both were true but she didn't like that (she didn't even have twitter so I thought she wouldn't see them.) I apologized and took them down. A couple weeks after that incident, my RA came to me and told me that I should stop "tweeting about your roommate because she is very upset." That angered me a little bit because 1) it was my twitter and 2) I hadn't posted anything about her. I subtweet random strangers that annoy me a little bit. Again, nothing aggressive or out of hand was posted on Twitter. I try not to do that because I've already learned my lesson. There was tension in the relationship and soon neither of us talked to each other unless we had to. At this point, I absolutely hated college and would come home every other weekend. I would call some of my friends crying about how I had no one to physically cry to and how I didn't know anyone here. I called my mom and told her my plans to switch colleges in the spring, and she though she told me to stick out a year, she fully supported any decision I would make.
Two weeks before thanksgiving, I had finally had enough of this other girl and was thinking about putting in for a new roommate. The thing that drove me over the edge was this:
I was in my friend's room and I got a text from the girl right across the hall from me. She told me she had to tell me something important, and to come to her room right when I got back. So I did. Apparently my roommate and her friends were talking badly about me and throwing my clean, folded, clothes around the room. When I heard this, obviously I was upset. So i walked into the room and, as sarcastically as I could, said "Wow! I should really put these clean clothes away… Shouldn't I?" They stopped talking right away and the ring leader said "Wow… let's go to the lounge and talk," and walked out.
The day after, I went to res life, got a new room assignment, and never looked back. I've been substantially happier since I've left Oak 2B. *Shayla, if you're reading this, thanks for not being crazy.
2. You'll meet tons of friends: Sure, some people might become friends with half of the student body, but for me that's the complete opposite. During the first week, everyone is lonely, confused, alone. I was accepted into a group that had 5 or so people in it that I would eat with everyday and we would all hangout, but as said above, these "friends" didn't last. I started talking to another girl, Kal, that would start at BSU in the fall. We met the first couple of days, along with her roommate Lexi and we all became friends. Kal invited me to a group on campus called Intervarsity where I met Bridget, and then we became friends. Basically, I've been friends with these three wonderful people all year. Unfortunately, one moved away, but we've kept pretty good contact. I've heard it's quality over quantity and that's what I've gotten. *I apologize for anyone I've left out!
3. You'll love it: Actually, until right before Christmas break, I hated it here and was bound and determined to switch. I wasn't even going to register for Spring classes because I was through at BSU (heheh that rhymed). My mom said, "You should still register, just incase you change your mind," and so I did… JUST INCASE. I told my small group of friends here, and they wanted me to stay. I had it in my head that I would be sufficiently happier back home with my old friends, and if I moved to Grand Forks, I would have a job, and that would make me happier. It wasn't until half way through break that I started to miss my friends, my roommate, and my campus. Being in North Dakota for three weeks made me realize that nothing was changing, and although I did miss home... I didn't really miss home. I thought I missed home.
I went home last weekend because I forgot a ton of things (surprise) and I needed to do laundry. The whole time I was thinking "I wonder what's going on in Bemidji?"
4. You'll get used to it: As stated above, I really have. I'm already planning out my future year. I'm excited for what's ahead of me. This semester, I've figured out a schedule, who my friends are, and what classes I need to excel in. Even though I still don't know what I fully want to go into, I am excited. I'm applying to be a residential assistant which is a live in… helper.. basically for freshman students. The only conflict with that, is EuroSpring 2015. It would be me going to Oxford, England, for 5 weeks taking 9 credits. Because traveling is such a big part of my life, I hope that I get the chance to go.
5. You won't be replaced: I don't actually think anyone told me this; I think I've been telling myself this. I have this irrational fear that people won't talk to me when I come home because I've been out of their lives for so long. This last week, I've felt like everyone at home is replacing me. I know they aren't, and I know it's unfair for me to think that people pause their life because I'm not in it. I know that Park River residents go about their life whether I'm there or not.
Anyway… those are my thoughts. I hope you have a wonderful day.